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Old 01-12-2006, 03:23 PM   #26
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
By all means go ahead and spill your guts! Can't think of a better place to do it! Xnations has a good mix of all kinds of people! We like to help each other out! You got some great advice there...

(Besides, gut spilling is cathartic!)

I don't think *any* of us said "I want to be a porn webmaster when I grow up!" We all sort of fell, tripped, side-stepped or otherwise woke up one morning and muttered "hey...I do porn for a living! Who'd a thunk it???"

To return your confidence, David, I'm extremely limited in my options due to physical disability. It's either work at home or don't work at all. All I'm aiming for is supplementing my husband's income. (Like you, I wouldn't kick a fortune out of bed, though!) I'm a writer, did phone sex for a while, then started writing porn stories...and building freesites. I've been in and out of the business since 1997 - which makes me an "oldster" in some ways and a "born again newbie" in others.

You're already doing one of the absolute best things a newbie can do, which is occasionally called "networking." (It's also called "yacking on a message board" sometimes. ) It gets your name out. It makes people familiar with you. You'll meet people, make friends and acquaintances, get advice or get pointed in the right direction to get advice. You'll learn. You'll learn a *lot.*

I can tell you from my impressive amount of experience with message boards - depending, of course, on how easily one is impressed! - that this is a great message board on which to do networking, learning and the very crucial "yacking." (Believe me, there will be days when coming here and just venting will save your sanity and may save a life.)
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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