Originally posted by laflair13
Sorry, I guess I could have been more clear. I apoligize.
Is this what a tgp is supposed to look like? I am going to use the images on the lower right to go to other pages of the site to create a kind of tgp site.
Putting this as gently as possible...no, you're not.
You have to learn to crawl before you can walk before you can run.
Your attempting the 100-yard dash without learning the "crawling" part. I point to your question "is this what a tgp is supposed to look like?" as proof of that.
Let's start out with the simple, basic freesite. Pic out a set of 20 pics and we'll go from there. 20 pics that you have license to use, of course, and preferrably not sponsor pics, although we can work with those if we have to.
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