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Old 01-13-2006, 06:42 PM   #1
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Default Ohio High School Porn Homework Canceled

From the "what on EARTH was this guy thinking?!?!?" files:

BROOKLYN, Ohio (AP) - A high school research assignment on Internet pornography was canceled after parents in this Cleveland suburb complained.

Superintendent Jeff Lampert said that although the teacher's apparent goal - to discuss the harmful effects of pornography - was well-intentioned, he agreed with parents that the assignment was inappropriate for 14- and 15-year-old freshmen at Brooklyn High.

The assignment asked students to research pornography on the Internet and list eight facts about pornography. Students also were asked to write their personal views of pornography and any experience they had with it.

Lampert said he doubted the teacher, Scott Gioia, would face any punishment. Gioia teaches health and physical education and has been at the school for about five years.

Lampert said he started getting calls Wednesday and met with the principal and Gioia. They decided that day to drop the project.

"We value the partnership we have" with the community, Lampert said. "We take that very seriously."

There was no phone listing under Gioia's name in the Cleveland area.

Last fall, controversy over questionable work-study credits given to a member of the football team led the team to forfeit four wins - the team's only victories of the season and the first in two years.

Dummies on the football team, forfeiting wins - their *only* wins - I'll bet this school has a HUGE closet for skeletons...and they're trying to get out....
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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