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Old 01-17-2006, 12:50 PM   #9
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by jade12
It is a good question ....... I will throw out some political questions as well because I think some of them will answer them and who knows who will end up reading them anyways. I think it 's important to address some of those issues since this business seems to get the shitty end of the stick a lot of times in the media ........ like we all have a sexual addiction problem, we all use drugs etc. etc.

Even when I was doing adult entertainment, it was frustrating for me to be stereo typed all the time, people just didn't get that ... to me it was a job and I took it very seriously .... sure it had a lot of perks, but in reality it's whether you get carried away or you don't.
Jade...every business has its perks and problems. Nobody grows up thinking "gee, I want to be in porn when I grow up." Of course, almost nobody out there got to be what they wanted to be when they grew up. The vast majority of us have jobs we fell into.

I never got "stereotyped." I got "you're kidding?" I look like what I was: a former PTA Vice-president. A "Mom." When I tell civilians I write and build websites, they just nod and smile, making the automatic assumption that I build polite little sites for some mainstream thing. I've met other webmasters at conventions who had a little trouble placing the person in front of them in context.

We're all faced with choices with our work and how we handle those choices determines the quality of our lives. I always wondered if models were prepared for the choices that were going to appear in front of them.

Another good question for the models is: how secure are you at saying "no" to photographers and directors, et al? Are you proactive with how you are treated or have you let yourself become a victim?
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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