Originally posted by MorganGrayson
Jade...every business has its perks and problems. Nobody grows up thinking "gee, I want to be in porn when I grow up." Of course, almost nobody out there got to be what they wanted to be when they grew up. The vast majority of us have jobs we fell into.
I never got "stereotyped." I got "you're kidding?" I look like what I was: a former PTA Vice-president. A "Mom." When I tell civilians I write and build websites, they just nod and smile, making the automatic assumption that I build polite little sites for some mainstream thing. I've met other webmasters at conventions who had a little trouble placing the person in front of them in context.
We're all faced with choices with our work and how we handle those choices determines the quality of our lives. I always wondered if models were prepared for the choices that were going to appear in front of them.
Another good question for the models is: how secure are you at saying "no" to photographers and directors, et al? Are you proactive with how you are treated or have you let yourself become a victim?
Well I got stereotyped b/c I don't look like a mom nor your PTA president lol ....... I look like your bad/naughty girl who WILL take you home and do bad things to you ....... if only your mommy knew hehehe ;o))
But people assumed b/c I looked like a naughty girl, I had naughty habits .... which I never did. However I never let that attitude deter me from doing anything I wanted to do in life, unfortunately some people do tho.
And no i didn't grow up thinking hey I wanna be a stripper when i grow up, I did it b/c my sister did and she kept flashing er cash in front of me, so I said hey SIGN me up LOL (but that was a long time ago, when strippers actually made good money in Canada).