What is IVR-billing - an explanation - X Nations
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Old 07-26-2005, 07:34 AM   #1
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Exclamation What is IVR-billing - an explanation

Hi all, I just want to take the opportunity to inform you all about IVR billing.
Welcome to the world of IVR and telephone billing!
The way to bill European countries

What is IVR Billing?
IVR billing is a system where the user gets a popup to dial a premium rate number.
The voiceresponse system will provide the access code. The user enters the access code on the website, and he will have instant access to your content.

Why use phone billing solutions?
1. In Europe about 60% of the population still does not own a creditcard
2. People don’t want to provide any personal details.

Do you want to keep missing income, simply because of these two facts?

Why not offer your European visitor an extra alternative…he can have instant access to your content without filling in any form or leaving his personal details, or downloading all kinds of risky software. This solutions is not new, it’s been a common way of paying for content in the European countries for several years now.

Don’t underestimate your visitors..they are willing to pay just a bit more if they know its anonymous…80% of all voicecalls are made with mobile phones…

Kinds of phone billing systems:
With phone billing there are 2 options, a time-access or a pay-per-minute.
Both explained:

Time access systems: customer has to call a certain amount of time, which will grant access for a fixed setup time.
The webmasters will receive a fixed fee on a phone call, no matter how long or short a call will be.

Pay-per-minute systems: customer gets instant access, and will decide for himself how long he wants to look at the content.
The webmasters will recieve their fee over each and every minute the customer is on the phone.

In our six years of experience (e-paycompany) with phone solutions such as dialers, sms, time-access system…we now have equiped our platform with just pay-per-minute payments.

Why pay-per-minute instead of pay per call, time access or dialer?
That’s easy, because it makes you more money.

- With a pay-per-minute system the customer doesn’t have to listen to a boring and long voiceresponse system telling him to wait untill the password is ready…instead of hanging up after 3 minutes for getting bored, he gets his access code within 30 seconds.

- You will get paid over the full voicecall.
From the moment that the customer calls in for the access code, untill he hangs up the phone each second will be paid….even when he hangs up after 1 minute
(The average time spend on a pay-per-minute payment is over 10 minutes)

- Dialers have always been a high risk for the end-user because of all the spyware. Plus with dialers your customer needs to be connected to the internet with a modem. IVR billing can be used with all internet connections and is safe for your customer.

We have developed our payment platform around the needs of the modern webmaster…easy to setup and easy to integrate with your current payment solutions and affiliate programs.

Check out our demopage for a visual demonstration of our payplatform

If you are interested in the benefits our platform can have for your business, just contact me,
Affiliate / IVR Billing solutions. Convert Europe the way YOU like it !
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