Candi Cash Intl. Proudly Announces The Release Of Lil Lexy - X Nations
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Old 08-11-2008, 06:52 PM   #1
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The Candiman Can...
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Default Candi Cash Intl. Proudly Announces The Release Of Lil Lexy

Hey Guys,

It looks like it’s finally that time again. Beta testing has officially ended, and we’re ready to share our latest creation with the world. That’s right, you guessed it, Lil Lexy’s finally here ( ). Undoubtedly one of the most popular girls in solo, if not adult in general, we’ve spared no expense with this one. Lil Lexy is designed to move, and whether you remember her from her E! special (one of the few positive pieces on the industry in general), her numerous appearances with Teen Revenue (Little Summer, Teen Topanga, The Milton Twins, Chloe 18, The Simpson twins, etc.), or from her more recent run with Candi Cash Intl. (Lil Laura), the point is that you remember her, and so will your surfers.

Now I don’t want you to assume from the tone of the opening paragraph that we’re merely resting on her existing laurels here, far from it. We’ve actually rolled out the proverbial red carpet for this one. Once again we’ve gone with multi award nominated former Teen Revenue & Triple X Cash producer / director Michael Maclane, and once again he has delivered. Absolutely exclusive, absolutely amateur models engaged in any and every level of debauchery imaginable. From the hottest and most intimate softcore to some of the wildest and craziest hardcore ever caught on camera, this series truly has it all.

In addition to the quality and diversity of the series, and the fact that it’s the only place to see Lexy in hardcore action (quite an incentive in itself), we also have an extremely active (not to mention hot, haha) model in Lexy. She’s currently doing 3 webcams a week, with an option for private shows, and her members have access to her actual cell phone number (I swear to god). We’re also currently updating the site four times a week, so somewhere between the quality, quantity, and interactivity, we’re assuming that retaining members shouldn’t be a problem for you with this one.

Of course we’re still offering 60/40 lifetime to all active affiliates, so if you currently aren’t one now is definitely the time to get signed up ( ). For those of you who are, now is definitely the time to get in on the action, because this one’s going to be everywhere, and fast. We’re also offering a very generous 10% webmaster referral program to our affiliates, lifetime as well, so remember to tell a friend, it could be very profitable for you.

We’ve also got a wide variety of hosted galleries, banners, and custom content available to you as well. Everything you should need to get the job done. Just login to the Candi Cash Intl. homepage ( ) and grab whatever you need (don’t forget to grab some new Lil Laura promo while you’re in there, haha). Well, I guess that’s about it for me. If anyone needs to contact me, I can be reached through either the e-mail address or ICQ number listed below, and welcome any and all queries. Good luck out there guys, although I doubt you’ll need it.

P.S. Here's a little sample set to give you a better idea of what we're talking about here. Enjoy!

Chris Cain
Candi Cash Intl.
ICQ: 333-404-567


Candi Cash Intl.....How Sweet It Is
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