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Soon after the “Bailey Fucks Misty” video came out, Bailey Knox and Misty Gates started to drop hints to their fans about how there was a second video, or some more to the footage. The reverse of their first sextape, “Misty Fucks Bailey” became a legend of sorts in their camshow chatrooms. The rumor caught wind, and “when are you going to come out with the other half of that sex tape” became something we were asked again and again. The truth is, we planned to shelve that second part forever. After these scenes were shot it was decided that Bailey and Misty had gone a little too far for the “non-nude bikini model” status that Bailey was trying to maintain at the time. I couldn't remember everything that happened, but the image of Bailey happily shivering on the bed after having two colossal toy, tongue, and finger orgasms was what stuck in my head, and we just never revisited the footage. For a bikini career, a video like that is best left unseen, or destroyed.
But if you TELL PEOPLE IT EXISTS, they'll WANT IT! Lol. Time to give the people what they want.
With their permission, here is the epic, 45-minute conclusion of their sexual encounter. A 19 year-old Bailey Knox is expertly pleased by the bossy, dominant and tipsy Misty Gates.

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