Teeniemovies.com is a text style TGP/MGP. It has just gone through a rebuild and changed to a custom script that will be feeding a network of sites. This site has a HUGE bookmark audience that is mainly targeted towards 18-20 year old content. Who doesn't want niche specific traffic for their teen submits? Get the surfers who are looking for what you're submitting!
Teeniemovies; 170k unique
Free2peek; 35k unique
Xratedlist; 45k unique
Doubledrilled; 35k unique
Simfuck and Justseries; 10k unique in total
In total around 300k unique per day.
3 Submits Allowed Daily
Monthly Submit Passes : $25
Looking for guaranteed listings?
Gallery Spots range from $200 to $600 per month. Hit up your GTS rep or me (icq498202) if you have any questions