I'm curious what level people put Alexa stats and rankings on? I saw a thread of a guy complaining about his Alexa ranking.. I ask why, does that get you more sales or give your site any less worth?
This is why I like Alexa, I can see traffic trends, spikes and drops and you know that a crack 50 and less ranking will bring you some clout.
My issues:
- tool bars in browser are how they get ranks.. I don't have their tool bar
- Only IE and finally now firefox has the add-on so they get counted. So you mac heads, Oprano and other browsers you are no bodies and do not get counted.
- Odd discrepancies like smaller sites showing higher ranks and traffic than other site that you know are not the case so how does that work?
I know that this site
www.compete.com has been gaining on Alexa for clout but that too has it's flaws. These sites tend to do a cross section like your TV's Neilson ratings, they only take a cross section and make assumpions from there.
Let me know your thoughts.