01-08-2019, 10:54 PM
should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Spain
Posts: 62
xBucks: 8,514
LISBON-CASCAIS 2019-The European Summit
Hi everyone,
Be sure to put 1-4 March 2019 in your agenda. TES Affiliate Conference Lisbon/Cascais. Registration is open. Sponsorships are quickly selling out so be sure to get yours in time. Meet Market Madness is on the 1st of March. Be sure to book your table. https://www.theeuropeansummit.com/sp...tructure_id=67
www.theeuropeansummit.com , 22-25 September 2015, Parkhotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic
www.onlinedatingsummit.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
www.theislandgathering.com , 08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas