Yep, that's right, we are giving away $500 to the affiliate with the most qualified signups.
The contest begins today at NOON EST and runs through to NOON EST on 8/3/2003. Each sign up will be accepted as pending to verify all required information is present and valid. Once verified, the signup will be accepted into the program and qualify for the contest.
BONUS #1: During the contest period, all your qualified sign ups will earn you $1.
BONUS #2: All who sign up during the contest period will be placed in a drawing for one FREE year of affiliate tracking service provided by The drawing will take place on 8/8/2003, with the winner notified by email.
The winners of the referral/signup contest will be announced at Internext at our booth, #724, @ 1:00p.m. Should the winner not be present, they will be notified via email.
Click below to get started and good luck!!!!