Spam Faq - X Nations
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Old 12-19-2005, 12:41 AM   #1
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Default Spam Faq

The biggie, contender for Ultimate Question What does SPAM stand for?

One of the world's most asked and most incorrectly answered questions. The truth is, SPAM doesn't really stand for anything. When SPAM first came out, it was marketed as Hormel Spiced Ham (see The SPAM Story), and it soon had many competitors. In order to get the lion's share of the market, Hormel decided their Spiced Ham needed a catchier name. A prize of $100 was offered for a new, memorable name. The prize was won by Kenneth Daig neau, brother of a Hormel executive, when at a New Year's Eve party he suggested the name "SPAM". The rest is history. If the truth isn't what you hoped for, why not check out some of the theories people have come up with over the years?

...and to spice everything up..(pls don't consider this as a spam. but would love every one to know of our December Promo found in this link

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Old 12-19-2005, 12:51 AM   #2
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E-mail that is not requested. Also known as "unsolicited commercial e-mail" (UCE), "unsolicited bulk e-mail" (UBE), "gray mail" and just plain "junk mail," the term is both a noun (the e-mail message) and a verb (to send it). Spam is used to advertise products or to broadcast some political or social commentary.

The term was supposedly coined from a Monty Python comedy sketch in the early 1970s, in which every item on a restaurant menu contained SPAM, and there was nothing a customer could do to get a meal without it. The sketch was derived from the fact that in England during World War II, SPAM (Hormel's processed meat) was abundantly available while other foods were rationed. Many believe spam is an acronym for "sales promotional advertising mail" or "simultaneously posted advertising message."
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Old 12-19-2005, 04:17 AM   #3
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Spamming on a webmaster's board is teh worst for me...

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