Bucks2Go have launched yet another best-seller, SlaveContest.com - a real slave/master site, packed with hardcore punishment & discipline movies.
This brings our sites to a total of 7:
ClubDaniela.com - Private/amateur female domination
Schockers.com - Extreme BDSM, mostly male domination
SlaveContest.com - Slave/Master
MatureCenter.com - Hardcore mature/old Movie site
MovieContainers.com - Mixed niche/Fetish Movie site
NicheDVDShop.com - Online Niche/Fetish DVD shop
AdultDownloadShop.com - Instant download of Niche/Fetish Movies
We are located in Holland, Europe, so there are no problems offering hardcore promotional pictures and movies, plus freehosted galleries, both pics & movies.
For instant access to sitelist, promomaterials and traffictips (incl. lists of TGP's and linklists), please visit
http://support.bucks2go.com - and follow the links on that page to join the program (This will add a little bonus to my salary, and make a hardworking support webmistress very happy

I will be available on ICQ (81-438-537) all day. Make sure you state in your initial message, that you are (or want to be) a Bucks2go webmaster. I get so many chat/spam messages - I only answer if it is work/support related!
Thanks for reading this - hope you will join us
Love, Maya