12-30-2008, 08:52 PM
is XRated ;)
Citizen X
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 5
xBucks: 2,259
Webmasters...Looking for video clips?
If you need some short video clips for your site promotions, then look no further than CECash!
With over 650 zips containing video clips 30secs-1min long readily available in TEN different categories and earning $30 per Free Trial signup, you know you're onto a good thing with CECash.
Just signup or login to your CECash account, select PAY PER SIGNUP from the top menu bar and scroll down to find your Free Content!
Simply download the zips, grab your links and away you go, it's easier than getting drunk at New Years!! 
Don't forget, you can use these video clips to promote ANY CECash tours (pps, free email, etc), so come get em!
If you need any help, or have any questions make sure to get in touch!
ICQ #233-854-608
Email - ruth@cestaff.com