11-14-2008, 04:14 PM
should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: USA
Posts: 2
xBucks: 1,432
New Babe Dump Yields Amazing Traffic Returns
Hello, I want to share a new traffic traded community I have built with everyone looking to setup a quality traffic trade.
Take a look at http://bestinbabes.com/webmasters
The concept is simple. The galleries you submit to our homepage are rated by users. We take an average of your rated galleries and multiply it by how many hits you sent in in the last 7 days. So if you sent in 450 hits this week and your galleries average rating is 4.1 you can receive at least 1845 hits from us. It’s that easy to receive up to 5 times the traffic you send in.
Just send us 50 hits to post your first babe gallery.
See you on BestinBabes.com!