How to Make Your Marketing Easy to Read and Understand - Adult B2B Marketing Tip - X Nations
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Old 03-24-2009, 02:18 PM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default How to Make Your Marketing Easy to Read and Understand - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

Increasing Readability: Language

The first suggestion when it comes to simplifying your writing is to use SHORT SENTENCES. Avoid the tendency to go on and on and on in a sentence. It makes it difficult for the reader to keep up with you. Instead of putting two ideas into one long sentence, try using two short sentences. You'll find it breaks it up and makes it easier to read. If you want some help with this, go pick up a copy of USA Today. It's a well-known fact that USA Today is written on a low reading level, which is good. That increases the overall readability. Go read any article out of that paper and you'll quickly see what I mean about using short sentences.

The second suggestion is just flat-out use SIMPLER LANGUAGE. Here are a few rules of thumb that I employ. Use familiar words instead of words that are far-fetched. Use a concrete word instead of an abstract one. Choose short words instead of long words. I think the best way to illustrate this is with a list of complicated words and their more simplified equivalents:

Instead Of - Use

Encourage - Urge
Continue - Keep up
Supplement - Add to
Acquire - Get or gain
Along the lines of - Like
As to - About
For the reason that - Since
In order to - To
In the event of - If
In accordance with - By, under
Prior to - Before
With regard to - About
Accordingly - So
Likewise - And, also
Nevertheless - But, however

See how that will lighten up your writing and make it more conversational?

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