Crystal Trader – the trade script for the next generation - X Nations
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Old 07-27-2009, 08:03 PM   #1
Crystal Scripts
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Default Crystal Trader – the trade script for the next generation

Any webmaster that runs TGPs\MGPs knows how important it is to choose the right trade script. We’d like to present Crystal Trader[/url]. Lots of webmasters are already familiar with it. We worked on it for more than 1.5 years collaborating with big sites to test it. Our script is used by, and all their associated sites along with a handful of others. The script is running sites with 500k traffic and it’s running them exceptionally well.

Our features:

- The trade algorithm was tested on large, high traffic sites. It utilizes a large number of parameters and prioritizes your incoming and outgoing traffic according to what’s best for your site. You don't need to spend hours in the admin – the script will do almost everything by itself.
- The niche trade feature works exceptionally well, allowing you to trade by any niche with ease.
- The script is good with high traffic sites.
- We have a grabber. You can do thumb toplists now without any problems.
- We have advanced network stats so you can add a trader to all sites with just one click. You can manage all sites from only one admin.
- Easy import from most scripts. It will import everything: traders, toplists, settings. You can move it all in just a few minutes.
- Separate feeder stats. They will not break stats anymore.
- Advanced forcing. You can force by hours, days of the week, starting from any day of the year.
- You can trade with any subdomain
- You can setup which sites shouldn't get traffic from a selected trader.
- Advanced stats for every trader. Countries, IPs, browsers.
- SE keywords stats
- Each trader can be set with his own skim scheme. You can control every surfer's click.
- Easy install and new versions update with one click
- Free version is absolutely the same as paid. No cut features. We take only 1% of clicks. You can update to paid with one click.
- Support is very friendly, and open to solve any problems whether you use free or paid version.


We have the lowest prices on the market!
1 copy - $100
5 copies - $399 + $85 next ones.
10 copies - $699 + $75 next ones.
You can get it for only $69.90 per copy! No hidden payments!
We will keep these prices until August 17th, so hurry up!
You are welcome to ask any questions:
ICQ: 412826686
E-mail: sales (@)
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