So I patiently waited until 10am est as yesterday was a banking holiday I knew epass business was closed. And called today.. Here is the update..
There is a chance epass will not be carrying visa virtual cards anymore.. He told me that with what is going on that they are petitioning visa international for the accounts to be reopened due to the strict policies epass has it falls in line with the correct standards and reasons for it being closed so rapidly was unjust..
I was also told that this is the reason epass has not transferred funds from the virtual accounts to the wallets is because they strongly beleive by the end of the week everything will be back to normal.
However, in the case that its not funds will be tranferred to the wallets and it will be business as usual with out virtual cards. they will still be able to run with wires and banks etc..
Hopefully this is a positive note that they feel so strongly that they have the right to reopen the virtual accounts. If not again i was informed that funds would just be transferred to the wallet.
Hey hope this helped..
Oh FYI I also asked why we hadnt received updates as to whats going on as it would make sence to keep us in the loop.. And his response was they have no news to really update so instead of creating confusion by sending an email they kept it simple.. So here is the update