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Old 10-04-2003, 08:53 PM   #1
Mister X
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Default Google Page Rank

So everyone seems to be talking about the Google PR all the time. I finally got around to installing the toolbar and I checked a few things out. Now I'm wondering... what is considered a "good" PR? Our 2 main sites rank at 4 and out of a dozen or so other paysites I checked that seems to be about the average. The highest I found was 5 on a couple sites and the lowest was 3. I only checked some well established sites in addition to my own. Surprisingly BrunoB only has a PR of 3. I'm guessing it might be because he doesn't have an enter page but I could be wrong about that.

Among non-pay sites the Hun and Shemp both rank at 6. In comparison our little tgp has a 4.

So is PR actually any damn good at all?
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