Vegas Shoutouts! - X Nations
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Old 01-11-2004, 09:06 PM   #1
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Cool Vegas Shoutouts!

Well, after a 36 hour drive down and a 27 hour drive back, I'm almost recovered from Vegas (I'm glad our show is taped for Monday though, and I will be in the chatroom).

Vegas might not have been the same atmosphere that Miami was, but the people were as good and the business was even better.

On that note, I have to give the following shoutouts (In no particular order):

Madcap-You alone made the trip worthwhile
Fallen-We'll have ALOT more fun in Miami dude
Butrflied-Thanks for hooking me up (even after the initial dissapointment)
Angeleyes-Hope the ankle's feeling better sweetie
Evil Chris-Nice to finally meet you and FB (The wife thinks you're hot as hell)
YanksTodd and Billie-Nice commercial (The wife thinks you're both hot, too)
Ron Kass-You got ripped off man, but we're glad to have you aboard man (Apparently you were the hottest guy there)
Kelly Grillo-Awesome meeting both you and your brother man!
YnotBob-Always a pleasure
Twinkley-Christie was extremely flattered that you recognized her
AaronM-Glad I finally got to sit and chat with you for a bit
Contentguys Derek
OgrasmCash Dave
Nick Baauw
Janell and Lisa from Topbucks
Philip Adie
Bosshawg and Dirt E
Everyone at Eroticy
Mark Baker from Adultplex
Jeffrey Miller
Arnold Stein
Darren Austin
Joe Spikes
Elizabeth and Gary
Brian Bowman

I know I left out some people and I apologize, but there's simply too many people to remember.

Some of you will want to check out the show on Monday at 12PM Pacific time

Hopefully I'll see most of you in Florida.
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