new trade script on the market - X Nations
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Old 07-27-2004, 04:04 PM   #1
2mmy is a danish lad
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Default new trade script on the market

A new great tradescript is on the market, it is proudly sponsored by

It has been trough alot of testing, and we are very happy with the results, go give it a try yourself..

ExtremeTrader is a new tradescript which is "free"!
It takes 1% of out traffic thats a cheap way to pay,
whats the difference between 231% and 230% prod anyway ?
Feature List:
1. Anti-cheat
2. Can block proxy hits
3. Can redirect "no cookies" hits
4. The script only counts unique hits
5. It is trading based on prod
6. It will automaticly disable cheating trades
7. It will never send a raw visitor to a trade
8. It features multiply toplists based on templates
9. It have a very cool feature which allow you to kickstart new trades
10. You can disable the signup page from the admin
11. You can edit the trade rules from the admin
12. The admin is ofcause password protected
13. The script logs all ips that enters your site
14. The script detect if a surfer is using a proxy
15. And much much more

Get your version today, for free at...
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