********TRAFFIC 0,50 per K ***** Advertisement Spots!******Try it yourself NOW***** - X Nations
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Old 12-01-2004, 07:22 PM   #1
pornomatic should edit this
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Default ********TRAFFIC 0,50 per K ***** Advertisement Spots!******Try it yourself NOW*****

Dear Webmasters,

AskJolene offers targetted gallery clicks now for only 0,50 per K untill 1 februari 2005! Test it yourself now!

- We want webmasters to get familiar with our Pay-Per-Click system
- Show that targetted clicks result in better conversions
- Trade traffic with webmasters

About the traffic?
- AskJolene has gained steady traffic and grows steady ( see alexa: http://www.alexa.com/data/details/t...kjolene.com#top )
- No BlindLinking Traffic on AskJolene, no galleries with cheating
- Clicks are shown upon search request from surfer and relevant
- High conversion due to relevance

How to start?
- Create an account on http://www.askjolene.com/PPC/signin.php
- Create a program
- Upload at least 30 galleries, and add keywords to campaign
- option: add additional keywords per gallerie to increase traffic

How much traffic can you expect?
- we can easily send 100k targetted traffic per day to a program
- traffic will increase per day, because 3 new galleries are submitted from program each day, and "old" galleries stay in
- one update per day, if bought clicks are served, clicks continue for free untill update is done
- the more campaigns the more traffic you can expect
- if gallery is added in "personal bookmarks" of user, clicks are free

Sign up for AskJolene for free now and start gaining targetted traffic!

We have around 350k uniques a day and over 2200k searches, that generate over 4000k gallery clicks.
AskJolene is still growing everyday, see sexcounter.com

Besides that we also sell: ( can link directly to Paysites, best in combination with PPC)
- AskAds (targetted ads on the right side from the resultpage)
- Deluxe Banner, general bottom banner with 500k impressions per day, 3 spots left!(EUR 750 per month)

We also do trades (contact me for an unique ID)
- add a searchbox/hardlink on your site (see button www.3pic.com and www.lumberjack-links.com), send 1 search, get 4 targetted gallery clicks back
- send us 404 traffic and get 2 targetted click back
- Branding AskJolene on your webmastersite/board, discussable, hit me Up
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