Hi Robert.
Are you coming to webmaster getaway here in Cancun in March? I'm sorry, I forgot you can't afford it. Want to see where I live? My house?
Where to begin .. Well, thank you for the bump. You're a constant source of amusement and now you're a thief

You stole my page and then you have the nerve to put
"UPDATE: AST copied this page and made one against me. LOL good for him." on the bottom. LOL
Don't you realize that anyone can search this or ANY forum and see when I built a page about you LAST YEAR? The page that YOU STOLE? You look more and more like a clown every day. That pleases me.
It must have taken you months to figure out how to rip the page.
I should encrypt my pages in the future. You have even stolen my javapops when you yourself couldn't code yourself out of a wet paper bag.
Do you realize you're linking to dead pages you loser? LOL. Don't you realize that pretty much
EVERYONE has seen my pages on you for over a year and NOW you're coming acting like you built them and I copied them, LOL, you pathetic little loser. You can't even build your own pages.
Do you not realize that you have stolen MY screenshot of your login on yourstats LOL. That's your username you're trying to say is mine.
Oh fuck I LOLOL at your ignorant inexperienced ass. My god
Do you realize that just about everyone, myself and Choker know you've made most of those posts, OMG, LOL.
You fucking poor little dork. Don't you realize that THIS POST SCREENSHOT that you stole from me is in my review, of MY traffic that you YOURSELF posted? LOLOL
THIS thread. MY screenshot. YOU stole, Oh LOLOLOL
Do you not realize that you have linked to the SAME thread on chokers 6 times? The one you posted ? LOLOLOL OMG, you are just too stupid to live.
And finally: Yes, I have been in the business for 7 years now. No, Adult Site Traffic is not 7 years old. I never said it was.
Yes, I owned over 20 paysites. I just sold
www.members-1.com last summer. I started
www.cswcash.com with my partner and well known internet presence, Tam. Yes, several of those sites were mine and I made more from my share of the sale of CSW than you'll make in adult in a lifetime. Here are the sites:
http://cswcash.com/portfolio.html . Yes, CSW is an affiliate program. You poor little loser. Everyone knows that, you failed to realize.
Do you think you can hurt me? Because I don't
And yes, I am one of the leading broker producers in adult traffic. You are not. No matter how many times you change nics or domain names. I will always, always come there to meet you and throttle your scamming ass.
Why? Because YOU Robert, in all of your dumb ignorant bliss, are just too much fun to fuck with. That's the truth.
The single most important thing to remember is that you will never, ever amount to piss. I am an advertising GOD compared to your miserable existance and your crappy, scamming little sites.
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