Webcamcash the leader in live adult web cams is proud to announce the release new online support cam. Effective immediately new and old Webcamcash affiliates can have interact live support with our head of Sales and Marketing Derek*Dwreck* Smout. A black belt in the adult internet, Derek will be on came on cam from 10 am to 7pm Est 5 days a week to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Located on the main page of affiliates can log on and get instant replies to any questions you may have about the program, tips on how to covert better and new market trends. You can even participate in group chat with affiliates in the corresponding chat room.
“We saw programs that claimed they have 24/7 support only to find out they left their icq on over night. Leaving your icq on does not mean 24/7 support in our eye we wanted to combat this by offering something unique to our webmasters.
WebcamCash is an affiliate cash program powered by content from the Spread4U and Stroke4U live webcam networks. Both are owned and operated by Black Dog Unlimited. The company has been a leading supplier and producer of live feeds and quality content since 1999.
Any adult website can promote and become part of this ground breaking support t option.
Sigh up today or contact Derek at Icq 165-976-549