New money making opportunities from ShockingCash! - X Nations
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Old 02-03-2005, 10:20 AM   #1
ShockingCash! should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: US
Posts: 5
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Exclamation New money making opportunities from ShockingCash!

We're happy to announce our new sites, released late 2004 and 2005.

1. : hairy unshaven "true" amateurs is our first site in the unshaven amateurs niche. It has a unique design, exclusive content and it's full of "really hairy content". Updated almost daily, it has both photos and VIDEOS which are very rare for this type of content.
>> There are 43 free content photo sets with exclusive content(more available by request) and 75 free hosted galleries with different sets on each. We provide free video content by request as well.
Average sales ratio is 1/351 (for all system, including TGP webmasters!)

2. "homemade" public nudity videos
We're offering rare and unusual flashing content: girls posing in various locations, they masturbate and do crazy things - all on video. Nice previews (don't miss the video trailer) and perfect retention. There are 14 photo and 7 video promotional content sets with exclusive content and more available on request.
>> There are 7 video and 14 photo sets of promotional content, based on exclusive and unique content.
Average sales ratio is 1/618 (including mass TGP webmasters!)

3. mainstream with poignancy (JUST APPEARED! ) is a reality style mainstream paysite. It's not just hardcore, it's about girls doing nasty things, like flashing, getting drunk, receiving a massive load of cum and etc. It's fun, it's a "new experience" and it converts any type of traffic. You can use any free content under ShockingCash to promote this site.
>> There are 4 full length movies with party content.

Why ShockingCash?

ShockingCash is paying webmasters for more the 3 years now. There are 14 sites in various niches, which are known for their high signup and high retention ratio. We're offering free hosting, free content, free hosted galleries and free hosted sites. We use a very advanced 5-tier tracking technology and some unique webmaster tools, we always pay on time and we do our best to help our webmasters succeed. We never stop developing our sites, so the rebills just keep on coming.

* free hosting (TGP & MGP, php & MYSQL)
* free content (278 (!) photo sets and 18 video sets, more on request)
* 60% payouts from sales and rebills
* mailer traffice acceptance (please read terms)
* high rebills
* FHG, FHS and all necessary promotional tools

More details and signup:
Try our highly converting niche sites!
ShockingCash! partnership program
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