Nova Submitter V 1.16 released + new databases - X Nations
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Old 02-22-2005, 06:38 PM   #1
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Default Nova Submitter V 1.16 released + new databases

A new version of Nova Submitter has been released!
A list of new functions of the program may be found below:
- Now you can create quality thumbs for your galleries and submit process directly from the program.
- There is an option to confirm multiple mail-boxes simultaneously in a single profile.
- For convenience there is shortcut key F1 (Submit) in the Submitter, the number of manually-edited dialog boxes is extended to 5, and a right-click in the Submitter sites gives a friendly context menu.
- Now in case of an incorrect identification of the submitter status you can enter a text portion to identify both correct and incorrect status.
- You can set the Recip generation regime in the Generator settings. There is an option to generate, if possible, similar Recips or to generate Recips in a different way. In both cases all rules assigned to the sites will be complied.
- The new version of the program has an option to authorise with the Nova Submitter server through HTTP proxy.
- Also all databeses was updated.

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