DateApp Gives Profitable Lessons on Love - X Nations
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Old 03-02-2005, 11:10 PM   #1
Detour- Diva
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Default DateApp Gives Profitable Lessons on Love

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2005

DateApp gives profitable lessons on LOVE and MONEY!
Webmasters Hot for Teacher

DateApp Online Dating Software to provide online, interactive classrooms for webmasters to create and market their custom dating site.

Atlanta, GA -, the leader in custom dating software, announced today the expansion of their current tutorials and online training seminars to include a weekly interactive classroom.

“It is important for webmasters to understand the flexibility of our dating application, including the set up of their affiliate network and SEO optimization. These are powerful tools to increase their own profitability”, says Lee Markham, VP of Technology.

DateApp’s interactive classroom will focus on the individual needs of the webmasters to include application training, competitive analysis, marketing tactics, and strategy.

“We learn just as must from our partners as they do from us. Our webmasters insight and our internal metrics on optimizing conversion rates guides our future product development and their profit potential”, say John Michael Cataldi, CEO.

As DateApp’s partner base grows, the need to create Specialized Interest Groups (SIGs) within its classroom setting will be an important factor in continuing to foster success and globalization.

DateApp represents the ability to build a niche, fully populated dating community in minutes, thus there are specific marketing in tactics in approaching various markets to include but not limited to ethnic, cultural, sexual preference, lifestyle, and country specific” comments Cataldi.

Classrooms are held weekly and can run up to an hour or more depending on the level of participation from the attending webmasters. The cost of the class is free, but is limited to 15 seats per session with multiple sessions running depending on demand and availability of multiple principals. For registration of DateApp’s interactive classroom, webmasters need only to enroll for partner program.

John-Michael Cataldi
Phone: 678.318.3696 x 100
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