09-03-2002, 12:28 PM
Mister X
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What's your next project?
It seems like we all keep expanding and changing our list of projects. My next project is getting my first personally owned paysite off the ground. What's your next move? You don't have to give away trade secrets, lol.
<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td><font size="-2"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com">Eromodel Cash. Promote it now!</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.eromodelgroup.com">Eromodel Group- for ALL your needs </a></font></div></td><td width="125" rowspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com"><img src="http://www.eromodelcash.com/Banner/00102.gif" width="120" height="60" border="0"></a></div></td></tr><tr><td width="40%"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.lannibarbie.com">Lanny Barbie is THE Hottest New Pornstar</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="mailto:stewREMOVE@eromodelgroup.com?Subject= Hi%20There">Contact Me</a></font></div></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://www.judystarxxx.com"><font size="-2">JudyStarXXX.com</font></a></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2">ICQ #165144564</font></div></td></tr></table>
09-03-2002, 01:17 PM
Evil Chris
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A paysite, Mister X ?
Very cool! Congrats.... How about a little preview? 
09-03-2002, 01:26 PM
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World Domination Pinky. World Domination. 
<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD WIDTH="550" VALIGN="top"><FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="2"> H@ckers.com - ICQ: 402716<BR><BR> >> TGP Generator<I>!</I> - Build your own TGP and trade traffic instantly<I>!</I><BR> >> The Secret Weapon<I>!</I> - Convert SE Traffic Automatically<I>!</I><BR> >> Spamdex.com<I>!</I> - Fuck the White Rabbit<I>!</I>
<TD> <P ALIGN="right"><A HREF="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/track/refer/1" TARGET="_blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.thesecretweapon.com/images/sw_flag_120x60.gif" WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=60 BORDER=0 ALT="Click this button dumbass!"></A></TR></TABLE>
09-03-2002, 01:54 PM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by Darin
World Domination Pinky. World Domination.
That's EVIL 
09-03-2002, 02:47 PM
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Xited Frenchy
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Well, my main project with my partner Tejano is to make US and Canadian ppl (sorry Chris) realize and understand that Europe is THE place to be for the Adult Industry.
Being one of our partner will make u earn a bundle of cash and make ur banker a very happy dude!!!!
well, guess i should stop spamming now... 
09-04-2002, 12:09 AM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
A paysite, Mister X ?
Very cool! Congrats.... How about a little preview?
It's a semi crappy design with mostly crap content but I got it for next to nothing so I can't complain. montrealxtreme.com It isn't really live at the moment cuz I'm in the process of swapping servers. I'm hoping to milk it for enough cash to get something going on one of my other domains.
Hehe. It seems nobody else is willing to even hint at their next project. Come on people. You don't have to give specifics!
<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td><font size="-2"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com">Eromodel Cash. Promote it now!</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.eromodelgroup.com">Eromodel Group- for ALL your needs </a></font></div></td><td width="125" rowspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com"><img src="http://www.eromodelcash.com/Banner/00102.gif" width="120" height="60" border="0"></a></div></td></tr><tr><td width="40%"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.lannibarbie.com">Lanny Barbie is THE Hottest New Pornstar</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="mailto:stewREMOVE@eromodelgroup.com?Subject= Hi%20There">Contact Me</a></font></div></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://www.judystarxxx.com"><font size="-2">JudyStarXXX.com</font></a></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2">ICQ #165144564</font></div></td></tr></table>
09-04-2002, 01:07 AM
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I just saw the thread.
I have no problem answering.
My next and on going project is to drive traffic to my 4 NEW pay sites. For some unknown reason I took on the crazy task of starting 4 at almost the same time. I launched them this summer and it has been learn as I go. Now I have the terrible task of trying to understand how the whole thing works. This driving traffic thing
There must be a magic formula, so far it's slow. I found out yesterday that I have a long way to go. SIGH!
I am thinking of getting one of those sandwich boards and putting a message on it.
Actually someone mentioned that I could offer services for traffic. Not sure I am quite ready for that yet. Maybe for now I should stick to exchanging banners. I guess I should save the drastic measures for a while. CHUCKLE! 
<a href="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/">
<img src="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/images/banners/mayhembutton.jpg"</a>
MistressMayhem Studios
BlackLight Studios
09-04-2002, 01:18 AM
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Jesus Saves!
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Re: What's your next project?
Originally posted by Mister X
It seems like we all keep expanding and changing our list of projects. My next project is getting my first personally owned paysite off the ground. What's your next move? You don't have to give away trade secrets, lol.
me too (sorta) I'm launching a jampacked premium avs, ebony hardcore. I still need way more content before i launch it as pay, but it will eventually get thrust into that genre. Having a somewhat difficult time finding good ebony content, might have to wind up shooting my own if I can't find a really good ethnic provider (spam me links if you have any, prefer providers who specialize in ebony, not specialize in teens and have a few ebony sets, thanks!) nothing is online yet (site is still being built) but domain is hoodratchicks.com
A TON of people have been hittin me up for SE help lately, and I mean a ton, so I might launch a SE optimization site (not for free suckers!) where I'll optimize all pages, make doorways, hand submit etc etc etc but that's another thing I have chillin on the back burner until I get hood rat off the ground
also looking into setting up a freehost but thats not certain yet.
Make More Money Then A Hug Salesman in Retard Town With Rage Cash
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09-05-2002, 08:58 AM
Socks Manly
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ASS will be launching an amateur resources site similar to what we already have, but completely dedicated to the amateur community. Few other things up our sleeves for the not so distant future
Socks Manly
<A HREF="http://www.AdultSiteSurfer.com">Adult Site Surfer.com - Is Your Paysite ASS Approved?</A>
09-05-2002, 11:52 PM
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I'm busy working our new project, SitePass...ours new avs.
Also want to focus more on our bread and butter...amateur sites!
09-06-2002, 12:45 AM
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X Uberant
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Originally posted by Darin
World Domination Pinky. World Domination.
Screw you Buddy! The world shall be MINE MINE MINE!
They laughed at me back at the university, but I'll show them! I'll show you all!
09-06-2002, 02:13 AM
Mister X
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Sounds like everybody is gonna be having some interesting times! 4 new paysites at once? Ouch. I'm going half crazy just trying to get one going!
<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td><font size="-2"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com">Eromodel Cash. Promote it now!</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.eromodelgroup.com">Eromodel Group- for ALL your needs </a></font></div></td><td width="125" rowspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com"><img src="http://www.eromodelcash.com/Banner/00102.gif" width="120" height="60" border="0"></a></div></td></tr><tr><td width="40%"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.lannibarbie.com">Lanny Barbie is THE Hottest New Pornstar</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="mailto:stewREMOVE@eromodelgroup.com?Subject= Hi%20There">Contact Me</a></font></div></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://www.judystarxxx.com"><font size="-2">JudyStarXXX.com</font></a></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2">ICQ #165144564</font></div></td></tr></table>
09-06-2002, 02:15 AM
Mister X
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Re: Re: What's your next project?
Originally posted by XxXotic
me too (sorta) I'm launching a jampacked premium avs, ebony hardcore. I still need way more content before i launch it as pay, but it will eventually get thrust into that genre. Having a somewhat difficult time finding good ebony content, might have to wind up shooting my own if I can't find a really good ethnic provider (spam me links if you have any, prefer providers who specialize in ebony, not specialize in teens and have a few ebony sets, thanks!) nothing is online yet (site is still being built) but domain is hoodratchicks.com 
A TON of people have been hittin me up for SE help lately, and I mean a ton, so I might launch a SE optimization site (not for free suckers!) where I'll optimize all pages, make doorways, hand submit etc etc etc but that's another thing I have chillin on the back burner until I get hood rat off the ground
also looking into setting up a freehost but thats not certain yet.
It's looking like SE optimization services are gonna be more profitable than actually running a successful paysite.
<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td><font size="-2"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com">Eromodel Cash. Promote it now!</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.eromodelgroup.com">Eromodel Group- for ALL your needs </a></font></div></td><td width="125" rowspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com"><img src="http://www.eromodelcash.com/Banner/00102.gif" width="120" height="60" border="0"></a></div></td></tr><tr><td width="40%"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.lannibarbie.com">Lanny Barbie is THE Hottest New Pornstar</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="mailto:stewREMOVE@eromodelgroup.com?Subject= Hi%20There">Contact Me</a></font></div></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://www.judystarxxx.com"><font size="-2">JudyStarXXX.com</font></a></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2">ICQ #165144564</font></div></td></tr></table>
09-06-2002, 02:44 AM
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Jesus Saves!
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Originally posted by luke
I'm busy working our new project, SitePass...ours new avs.
Also want to focus more on our bread and butter...amateur sites!
sitepass is in new orleans? sweet we're naybahz im in baton rouge
sitepass is a cool avs I have 1 premium with ya, adding another soon as iturnkey is done with the design  i like the "affil" program idea. Need to figure out how it works
Make More Money Then A Hug Salesman in Retard Town With Rage Cash
Sites So Hot You'll Sweat Harder Then R Kelly At A Girl Scout Meeting!
Last edited by XxXotic; 09-06-2002 at 02:47 AM.
09-06-2002, 02:46 AM
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Jesus Saves!
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Re: Re: Re: What's your next project?
Originally posted by Mister X
It's looking like SE optimization services are gonna be more profitable than actually running a successful paysite.
yeah, i undercharge though. I always sell myself short but it's cool it's some extra change for work that really isnt all that difficult.
Launched the dialer today Yogis Dialer Gotta git it some webmasters and stuff now.
Make More Money Then A Hug Salesman in Retard Town With Rage Cash
Sites So Hot You'll Sweat Harder Then R Kelly At A Girl Scout Meeting!
09-06-2002, 10:13 AM
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Queen Bish
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My next project is my current one! Buy some content damn you all! ROFL
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
09-06-2002, 10:36 AM
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Yep, some of us are in New Orleans...couple others elsewhere as well.
Affiliate Pro is a way to run your own affiliate program with your Premium SitePass sites. You go in, set what % you want to give webmasters and that's it. You can built a whole program around it if you wanted to. I'm currently making a program so everyone can see it as an example.
We've got a lot more cool features coming VERY soon...keep your eye out!
09-06-2002, 11:11 AM
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Http://CynSex.com is my next project I've started and have not time to spend on, LOL Looks good tho
Hardcore, Blowjobs, Gay, Wives, Lesbians, Gangbang, Movies, Tranny, Interracial, Teen....
16 Sites, $35 PPS/ 60% Revshare :: Capitalize on Experience
Cyndee - Director of Marketing & SEO
09-06-2002, 11:23 AM
Evil Chris
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Originally posted by luke
Yep, some of us are in New Orleans...couple others elsewhere as well.
Affiliate Pro is a way to run your own affiliate program with your Premium SitePass sites. You go in, set what % you want to give webmasters and that's it. You can built a whole program around it if you wanted to. I'm currently making a program so everyone can see it as an example.
We've got a lot more cool features coming VERY soon...keep your eye out!
Luke... welcome to xnations dude... nice to see you found the board. How is everything going at HiRise! Say hello to MikeAI for me..
Cyndalie.... that's starting to look like a nice portal/core site... Are you getting any traffic to it yet or is it really still in the building stage?
09-06-2002, 11:26 AM
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Thanks Chris! Stan turned me on to your new board. Lookin pretty nice so far...
I'll give em all a hello for ya.
09-06-2002, 11:45 AM
Evil Chris
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sitepass is lookin good... AVS is experiencing a huge comeback right now.
09-06-2002, 11:46 AM
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Thanks, and we plan to be a big part of it!
09-06-2002, 02:15 PM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Cyndalie
Http://CynSex.com is my next project I've started and have not time to spend on, LOL Looks good tho
Hehe. Until you become content I still say the name is false advertising! 
<table width="95%" border="0"><tr><td><font size="-2"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com">Eromodel Cash. Promote it now!</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.eromodelgroup.com">Eromodel Group- for ALL your needs </a></font></div></td><td width="125" rowspan="3"><div align="right"><a href="http://refer.ccbill.com/cgi-bin/clicks.cgi?CA=923906-0000&PA=462029&HTML=http://www.eromodelcash.com"><img src="http://www.eromodelcash.com/Banner/00102.gif" width="120" height="60" border="0"></a></div></td></tr><tr><td width="40%"><font size="-2"><a href="http://www.lannibarbie.com">Lanny Barbie is THE Hottest New Pornstar</a></font></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2"><a href="mailto:stewREMOVE@eromodelgroup.com?Subject= Hi%20There">Contact Me</a></font></div></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://www.judystarxxx.com"><font size="-2">JudyStarXXX.com</font></a></td><td><div align="right"><font size="-2">ICQ #165144564</font></div></td></tr></table>
09-08-2002, 03:31 AM
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I agree! What's up with the "Yet!"
I'll confess, I just became content last week...they MADE me do it! haha
09-08-2002, 03:16 PM
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Queen Bish
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Originally posted by luke
I agree! What's up with the "Yet!"
I'll confess, I just became content last week...they MADE me do it! haha
Now are you going to show us or make us hunt for it? 
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
09-09-2002, 03:02 PM
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Its not up yet but I might post a link here when it is....I'll think about it. 
09-09-2002, 03:05 PM
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Queen Bish
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And what kind of content is it? Just curious, straight, gay, BDSM.... you can't tease me like this! LMFAO
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
09-09-2002, 03:18 PM
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09-09-2002, 03:31 PM
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Hmm...my NEXT project will be a Vacation!! Hahahhaa
We've been busy over the last 4 months working on our Site Re-design, (which was our Summer project). It's a pain in the rear-end to build something this complex from the ground up! LOL But it'll WELL be worth it!!!
Easy to browse through our titles, search engine, sort by quality, sort by niche, producers can track sales, good prices, instant downloads, auto licensing, etc. Yup--we've been busy--But Man-oh-man, it's nearly done and it is SCHWEET!!!!!!!!! LOL
HOWEVER...<>...we're not done quite yet--so don't tell anyone. Tee hee hee
Lady Sharlot :-)
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