Jays XXX Links Stats (7/2005 – Present) - NEW AND IMPROVED! - X Nations
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Old 09-29-2005, 12:53 AM   #1
xxxjay should edit this
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Default Jays XXX Links Stats (7/2005 – Present) - NEW AND IMPROVED!

Jays XXX Links Stats (7/2005 – Present) - NEW AND IMPROVED!

Here is my newest batch of stats from July 1st till now. This was the first batch I’ve but together using Statsremote, as opposed to Revstats. Statsremote made it a lot easier to extract information about specific programs, so I’ve made this publication of my stats much more informative.

The complete list can be viewed here:

Every time I put together one of these reports, something catches me by surprise. This time out it was the dominance of webcam and dating sponsors. I guess with myspace and match.com -- surfers are demanding interactivity and that is why these products are selling. 3 of the top five EPC (earnings per click) fall into this category.

Promoting webcam or dating sites may not always be appropriate in every situation, so I have divided up the lists to make the information easier to use:

All Sponsors:

Porn Sites Only:

Biggest Earners:
http://www.jays-xxx-links.com/links/...ers.html#money – this is really the most important factor. Whoever keeps sending me the big checks is who I stay loyal to.

BEST REVSHARE PROGRAMS – This is something new I have decided to add because it is impossible to tell exactly what you are earning per signup in the finite time sampled for these statistics. While I can understand some webmasters frustration when trail members quit – for every couple of guys like that, there are surfers that are staying for 3 to 4 months or even a year! If you balance the trial hoppers against the surfers that earn you 60$-120$ per join, you will see that revshare and pps are pretty much the same. Here’s the list of the guys that keep their members from all of 2005:


Lastly, on the programs that I know don’t count 1st page uniques, I have put these right at the end of the list and haven’t even attempted to guess their performance. I consider this dishonest and a form of shaving.

That’s all for now, I hope you find these useful.
These are my sites:
http://www.snizzshare.com - OCCash
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