There's a new feature here on the board which allows you to create and maintain a custom webpage within your profile.
First... click on your USER_CP (User's Control Panel) and you will see a new option on the far right ("Custom Page").
When you click on that, you'll see an interface to where you may input all of the information to create your custom page! You can type straight into the box with plain text, or use HTML. You can't store images and files here, so you'll have to hotlink to them if they are to be viewed.

Have a
look at mine as an example of what you can do with this excellent new option!
What I would encourage everyone to do is to put up all your programs and services that you want webmaster traffic to! Selling content? Let everyone know by putting a FULL PAGE AD on your custom page! The only small catch is that you need a minimum of 100 posts to be able to have your own custom page, so get posting!
The possibilities here are endless, and there are only a few simple rules, and they are all obvious. If someone comes up with something else that I may have overlooked, please let me know.
I hope you enjoy your dialy visits to the board, and this new option. It will most certainly bring about more business in this social and relaxed asmosphere that we call!