Hellooooo X Nations...
First time poster in these fine forums...love the pirate smilies...very cool
Thought I'd pop in here and let folks know that I've recently taken over management of
Sex On The Internet. After a lot of behind the scenes work. the site is primed and ready for some new free site submitters. We get tons of gay, mature, lesbian and shemale sites already. All submissions are welcome...but please do try to give our other categories some love too
Worth noting...regarding recips, if you sometimes grab the wrong recip (please don't make a habit of it), but we won't be declining sites based solely on an incorrect recip link. After all, that does create a kinda ABC trade...not a bad thing. There are 3 recips available for each category...please try to rotate them when possible.
Also worth mentioning, we accept multiple submissions/day. However, please spread them out over multiple domains and categories. We can't allow one submitter to flood a category with a single domain for obvious reasons.
Well, think that's about all I needed to say in this first post. Other than...if you build nice free sites...bring em on!