I have basically lived in this house most of my life. My dad bought it in 1982 when we moved back to this area. It is a great house... Older but well maintained and completely renovated (electricity, pipes, etc) in 1992 by my dad...
I bought the house with my now-ex-boyfriend. When we split, he bought my half back but we still lived together as roommates as it was a good arrangement for both of us. Now, he's moving out and I'm buying it back from him! lol!
I got confirmation yesterday that the bank accepted my mortgage so Tuesday, we are going to the notary to sign the contract! WOOHOO! My very own house!
Here are some old picture from 1992 when my dad had the brick and siding re-done...
The front...
The back:

(a spa is going to be installed in three weeks on the right
part of the patio just in front of the little white door...

Half of my backyard:
The other half: (I have 40, 000 square feet!)
(That's my dad waving, with my uncle)
I am exctatic!