Hey people - and I know most of you are in the vicinity of this - we've managed to get adult in a good light on mainstream TV again with Tele-Quebec's "Les Francs Tireurs" (translates as the Straight Shooters).
They saw The 2much Crew on Webdreams and contacted us, and, knowing that they're a cool show, aren't hypocrites (rather they attack corporate and govt. hypocrisy) and they're adult-friendly, we jumped on it...
The show airs tonight at 8:00PM EST on Telequebec and features me, Mediachick, and LCN Girls Kitsune and Violet Manson!
Here's the link:
http://www.telequebec.tv/lesfrancstireurs/topo.html - It plays again at 11:30 and a couple more times during the week.
Here's some exclusive behind the scenes pics of the day they shot at our offices:

This is how cool it was - Richard Martineau, respected journalist, let us cover it with our cameras and webcast the interview with camgirl Kitsune on the site... (quote from the show: because Montreal and Quebec are on the Porn map, the announcer actually says, avec accent: "yes, we are fucking distinct"

BTW who's gonna be the first to post the video on that TV site on YouTube? lol