Wednesday's Adult B2B Marketing Tip of the Day - The Offer - X Nations
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Old 12-10-2008, 12:17 PM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Wednesday's Adult B2B Marketing Tip of the Day - The Offer

Marketing Equation Component 4: The Offer

Prospects from all points of the Educational Spectrum will respond to your offer, instantly increasing your ad’s “pull” by 2 to 100 times. And the best part is that you can now control those prospects by proactively nurturing them along via a follow up system...and capture more sales long term.


1. Prospect first gets the idea to buy what you sell (or switch vendors).

2. Prospect starts gathering information on an informal basis.

3. Prospect asks friends & associates for recommendations.

4. Heavy-duty fact finding.

5. Prospect narrows choices by process of elimination.

6. Prospect is narrowing in on favorites; decision is coming soon.

7. Prospect makes the decision to buy but not necessarily who to buy from.

8. Prospect is waiting for the timing to be just right.

9. The sales is made and money changes hands!

Most marketing pieces only appeal to NOW buyers. Problem is, those who are ready to buy now only account for 1% to 5% of all prospects. By putting a low-risk offer in your ad that allows the prospect to get more information and become more educated–-you can capture a much larger portion of prospective buyers.

When all of the components come together, not only is it a thing of beauty, but you also make a lot more money! Remember, human nature demands that people always want to make the best decision possible. Marketing’s job is to facilitate that decision making process. As long as you have each of the 4 components of the marketing equation in place, your ads will work every time.

For more information SUBSCRIBE to our new weekly marketing newsletter.
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