Use "The Educational Spectrum" And Increase Sales - Adult B2B Marketing Tip - X Nations
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Old 02-17-2009, 11:47 AM   #1
AdultB2B is your marketing gun for hire
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Default Use "The Educational Spectrum" And Increase Sales - Adult B2B Marketing Tip

Use "The Educational Spectrum" And You'll Increase Sales

Do you ever notice that when you're in the market to buy a car, you notice almost every advertisement for cars on TV, radio, and in the paper? You even notice all those cars with prices shoe polished on the windshield in supermarket parking lots. You buy Consumer Reports and Auto Trader and read classified ads. You become the expert on whichever car you're interested in.

After you scout the entire marketplace for just the right balance of price, condition, mileage, options, etc., you finally buy the car. And chances are you will be convinced that you got THE BEST DEAL available to mankind. You probably even brag about the deal to your friends. "This baby's only got 17k miles on it...but I picked it up for about what everyone else wanted for the same car with twice as many miles." What a deal.

What about when you're not in the market to buy a car? You don't notice any of that stuff. Let's assume you're not in the market for a new Hyundai right now. I'll bet you haven't seen or heard a single ad for Hyundai lately. You might not even be aware that Hyundai still sells cars in America! Mentally validate this point: All prospects you contact in your marketing efforts will have different levels of interest and understanding about your product based on their circumstances.

More tomorrow.

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