Originally Posted by DrChango
They're not angry enough for my liking. I can't relate to them. They seem to know what they are about, and a lot of my friends like them, but I really need music that would be an appropriate backdrop for a bunch giant robots smashing a city, or baboons running amok in a convent. Maybe I need to switch to decaff
Back in the mid 90s, I used to get my anger fix by listening to the Foo Fighters. Dave Grohl and I are more laid back (and fatter) now.
Originally Posted by Abernathy SixtySix
They are awesome and their new CD comes out next month...love them
another band you might like is Tokio Hotel 
Yes I like the new single "Panic Switch". It's not on iTunes yet, but you can find it on YouTube. Monsoon is actually on GHWT. It's a good song. (an easy one to play)