Hello webmasters,
Shocking news :
The Classic Porn - you have never seen such a great CLASSIC Porn site! No doubt!
We've left only the name and the idea - it's a great classic porn site in 60's-90's style!
Others are completely new! Now, it's like a tube site with 1-minute preview trailer, the great number of vids, easy navigation and sorting, porn stars biographies and other features that will attract surfers!
It Converts like CRAZY

63 signups, 9 three monthes signups - this is just for 1 week of TEST!
All porn stars are collected at the pages of
The classic Porn. There are more than 971 videos and 3449 actors.
Promo tools:
The great thing is that there is no need to choose FHGs among great number of others anymore. That's why we decided to simplify this process: now YOU can choose and direct surfer to the certain movie!
E.g. you liked this trailer:
http://www.theclassicporn.com/film/i...mpetition.html and want to put it to your resources, so just put your id to this link and the 'gallery' is ready:
http://www.theclassicporn.com/film/i...html?id=yourid ! Very easy and it's for you to decide what movie you'd like to show to the surfer!
Also new colourful banners have been added.
We will be waiting for your requests! Feel free to contact us if you need any promo!
Our contacts:
icq: 353734019
email: irina at serious-partners dot com
icq: 13645 _13
email: info at serious-partners dot com