T&A Talk: Why Women and Older Men? - X Nations
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:44 AM   #1
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Default T&A Talk: Why Women and Older Men?

Outside of the porn industry there is a great deal of women I have found who seem to dig older men for a variety of reasons. I have had some amazing discussions with women who have told me many of the reasons they prefer older men and I would like to share that with you.

1) lack of maturity of guys 18 - 27. Every single girl I speak to who likes older men hates the attitude of guys pretending they are from the hood or have no empathy. As an example guys walk into clubs with the girl and shortly afterwards their eyes follow their dick as they begin to hit on other women totally forgetting who they came in with. Often acting like children not getting their way or being selfish to only what makes them happy, younger men lack the proper empathy and skills to treat women more than a hole to fill.

2) lack of experience in bed - quantity vs. quality. In the case of someone younger they are mostly focused on getting themselves off and being selfish. Sure younger guys may have quantity but keep in mind older men double that score over time and have learned that just ramming a cock into a woman doesn't necessary mean you had quality sex.

3) lack of experience in life - travelling, money etc. is nice but experiencing life isn't about where you have been or done as much as what it has taught you in being a better person. This also includes taking care of your own home by cleaning, cooking and buying suitable a and matching furniture.

4) lack of basic necessities - as the economic times are forcing many younger guys to remain at home or take smaller apartments they tend to misplace their wealth. Owning cars and pimpin them out, yet by the time they get the girl home - it's messy - small and has furniture that is second hand from a dorm.

5) lack of awareness of themself - face it, how many white guys pretend to be black using the same stereotype image created by rappers? It really is childish when someone needs to pretend they are someone they aren't simply because they haven't found out who they really are. High school is over - life begins - it's about finding yourself not a photocopy of someone else.

6) lack of integrity - this also is for women too, in that there is no respect for another guy's woman (married or dating) most guys will fuck anything that moves rather than respect boundaries. I see this at trade shows all the time when guys have no problem hitting on women they already know came to the party with their husbands etc.

PS Hookers are NOT something to brag about!!

7) lack of balls - there comes a point in time when some guys become "pussywhipped" and allow themselves to be walked over by the demands of a girl whether it's insecurity or another reason, older men tend to see relationships as balanced and not be too overbearing or strong but just enough to say that they care for the woman but aren't just going to give her everything she wants because it's unhealthy.

8) lack of a open minded - as an example, most younger males have no problem expressing their hatred over anything or anyone feminine. Keep in mind that alot of women have gay friends (and they as a women are as well feminine), start tearing into them and she'll dump you thinking you'll hate her friends. Unwilling to try new things such as foods or entertainment (opera, shows etc) shows a closed mind and insecurity fearing that if you were caught dead other guys would think you're gay. Personally I couldn't care less what other guys think of me since I know who I am and do not need to show off nor prove myself to anyone.


There are women out there that obviously don't like older men or anything mentioned above. They go to bars to get drunk, laid or whatever - neither caring if they are married or with someone. This discussion is for now only about women who prefer older men and why.

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:42 PM   #2
lace should edit this
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I don't fit into ANY of those..and I'm young. Guess I'm the small percentage of "Younger guys" who has their head on their shoulders.

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Old 07-31-2009, 12:22 PM   #3
SexArise is Happy
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Great read, thanks Robert!
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