Hello all,As always we have some amazing news at Nifty Stats again!Nifty Stats got a new advertising space and new advertising packages!
We got hot news and it is FLASH NEWS!FLASH NEWS! are short news which are popping up in the right bottom corner of the desktop. The effect is immediately and the click through is very high on this form of advertising. In the shortest time period ( 2-3 days ) you will address a big crowd of webmasters!

Want to know more? Click here for more information:
http://www.niftystats.com/advertising.htmlAlso from today you can choose from many advertising packages, which can be found here:http://www.niftystats.com/advertising.htmlIf you have any questions just contact us!Miloe-mail: milo ( @ ) niftystats.comICQ# 491000600