China Sued For Stealing Proprietary Codes From CYBERsitter and other companies - X Nations
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Old 01-11-2010, 03:02 PM   #1
J-SiN should edit this
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Default China Sued For Stealing Proprietary Codes From CYBERsitter and other companies

Hypocrisy happens in all levels of society. And in this case, it's the Chinese government who's looking pretty foolish during these past six months. What's more, if the US federal court will ever find Chinese officials guilty of stealing proprietary codes from CYBERsitter, this might affect the way big private businesses will deal with China.

In light of the American government's vested interest in China however, I am sure diplomacy and politics will have its way, convincing companies like CYBERsitter to look the other way. Peace is restored and everyone is happy.

This is nothing new, of course. No matter how China tries to white wash their tarnished reputation as the center of rampant piracy, they can't really make things any worse. All they have to do is cough up a few billion to make this problem disappear. It kinda makes you think of their new found crusade to eradicate pornography as a ruse to downplay something as embarrassing as this.
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