***PussyCash NFL Pickem Pool Week EIGHT results... - X Nations
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Old 11-02-2010, 03:44 PM   #1
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Default ***PussyCash NFL Pickem Pool Week EIGHT results...

Each week this year seems more mindblowing than the last. This week the drama is off the hook, with Moss being given his walking papers by the Vikings; Favre getting helmet-smacked in his Jay Leno-esque chin and putting him out of the game; another crushing loss for the Cowgirls who are basically crumbling before our eyes; and HOW 'BOUT THOSE RAIDERS?

This week we have our SECOND repeat winner of the season...

The winner of week 8 in the PUSSYCA$H NFL Pickem Pool is SonyaS,
with 11 out of 13 games picked correctly for a total of 168 points.

Congratulations SonyaS!!

You win this week's cash prize of $100!
(doubled to $200 if you have made at least one signup to ImLive in past 30 days)

To collect your prize: send an ICQ to Adam: 174-167-541
Or email him at: adam at pussycash dot com

Overall Top 10 Pool Leaders:
1. latinafind 1037
2. goblin 1026
3. MikeSmoke 1025
4. jackd22 1025
5. Mojo Risin 1014
6. tdtd 1001
7. Dave-NYC 977
8. NaughtyRob 974
9. Caligari 970
10. Team_Sakura 968

Stats: We have a total of 125 industry peeps registered in the pool.

Not in the pool yet?....
If you're not yet in the pool: it's not too late!
Plenty of great weekly cash prizes yet to be won.

1. Go to www.poolhost.com
2. Click Login (or Register if this is your first time playing)
3. Mouseover User Tools (in the left menu) and click "Join a private pool", then click on the "Pro Pickem" icon
4. Pool's login name = pcash10
5. Pool's Password = ImLive

NOTE: Remember to set your preferences to be able to receive email from the pool administrator so you get notices and updates.

Lastly, if you're not yet signed up as an affiliate...

there's no time like the present!!

Get in the game and get set to have many weeks of fun in the football pool
and also be eligible for all of the other great PussyCash promotions and
moneymaking opportunities that only PussyCash affiliates enjoy.
It's time you clicked...

... one SWEET program.

ICQ me: 31024634 .... let's talk about getting you some PussyCash!
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Old 11-03-2010, 12:05 PM   #2
plugin should edit this
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Congratulations you are a lucky winner

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