[AFFIL4YOU & TRAFFICJUNKY] QWEBEC Expo Friday Night Party - X Nations
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Old 07-29-2013, 04:09 PM   #1
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Default [AFFIL4YOU & TRAFFICJUNKY] QWEBEC Expo Friday Night Party

Affil4You and TrafficJunky invite you at their combined sponsored event !

Oh Yes it's Ladies Night....

Friday 9th August from 10pm till 2am at Le Cin5

22:00 to 02:00 >> FRIDAY NIGHT PARTY
Location : LE CINQ - 1234 De la Montagne St. Downtown Montreal.

The dance floor will be high energy with DJ Leticia Manfil (the hottest female DJ in town) spinning mixes all night long.

And in honor of it being "Ladies Night", unique Affil4Shots and Junky-tini's will be served that are quick and easy to consume just as
Affil4You's mobile solution is to use and the green Junky-tini's will keep you going all night much like the traffic source that TrafficJunky can provide to your consumers.


You already have an adult Internet Website but you do not know how to create an adult MOBILE Website? It is really easy with Affil4you and it is entirely free ! In a few stages, we are coming with you to create your own adult mobile website, depending on your choices. Our tool of mobile website development is very complete and you can easily personalize it : The logo, the colors, the categories, many criteria could be customized to create mobile adult site.


TrafficJunky uses a flexible CPM model, which is based on a self-serve live bidding platform. You select sites and ad placements you would like to advertise on and bid for traffic. Our algorithm takes each advertiser's bid and budget into account and allocates the traffic accordingly. Set the price you wish to pay and adjust to meet your goals and increase your ROI in real time, all the time.

Le Cin5 is a sophisticated bistro/bar by day that transforms into an upscale lounge/club atmosphere by night which keeps the lovely, local ladies continuously flooding in.

This event is NOT to be missed so be sure to add it to your evenings schedule!

* As usual, parties are open to all QWEBEC Expo registered attendees. Show wristband mandatory
Michael P.
CEO - Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Mgr.
ICQ: 139036653 | SKYPE : michaelqwebec
Up to $2.50 PPL on your Free Cams traffic at CrakRevenue

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