Can't afford the $750 Visa fee? I have a solution for you!!!! - X Nations
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Old 07-29-2003, 01:25 AM   #1
topsmutlinks should edit this
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Default Can't afford the $750 Visa fee? I have a solution for you!!!!

Okay boys and girls.........I have a solution for those small sites who were using ACPay or Globill as their primary and now cannot afford to pay the $750 to switch to another processor...

Hear me out.....

I own a sponsor program called PhatBucks, I have already paid my $750 Visa fee to CCBill and we're currently using them. Starting Wednesday, we'll be using them exclusively for both Visa and MasterCard.

SO........instead of closing your site down, we are offering you to add your site to our program FREE OF CHARGE. You'll still make a very fair percentage on your site and for adding it to our program we'll share revenue. If you're interested in hearing more, contact me and we'll hash out the details.

I'm very well known on message boards with an excellent reputation. PhatBucks is being promoted by some very "high profile" webmasters. So if anything, we might be able to increase your sales and resellers. We'll increase your member base and resellers that you probably won't even feel a hit in your income from not taking the 100% you're used to. What I'm saying is, you'll make it up in VOLUME.

It's a win/win situation. You get to keep your site and not pay the Visa fee, and we get to add more sites to our sponsor's portfolio. Hit me up and let's talk about it!

If anyone is interested, please contact me at
ICQ: 46791886
- Jennifer
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