Wouldn't you like to make even more money from your website? Sure, all webmasters would. Let
me introduce myself. My name is Matt. I am a Sales Associate for FiveStarFC.com
http://www.fivestarfc.com/?ref_id=1013) - the leader in Adult Product Fulfillment.
I would like to discuss a great opportunity we have for you regarding your website. Our
virtual store program is simple to create and will be very rewarding for you. The traffic
you generate should provide you with plenty of sales - simply by giving them the option to
purchase adult products through your new store. There is no obligation and no hassle. After
setting up an account with our easy point-click interface, you will receive an activation
email, then your store will be ready for business! This is a no-risk, easy-reward,
opportunity for any dedicated webmaster.
For motivated webmasters, free of charge, we will develop a custom solution in order for
your virtual store to mirror the appearance of your existing site.
Here are some more details about FiveStarFC.com (
-Up to 40% commissions paid out monthly
-6% webmaster referrals
-Your own adult super store with 20,000+ items
-High level of customization for seamless integration with your site
-Free account creation and setup
-No hassle: we handle all billing, shipping, and customer service needs
-Real-time sales and traffic reporting
-Great promotional tools: banner farm, monthly newsletter sent to your customers promoting
your virtual store, webmaster newsletter with coupons, sales and new titles to offer your
potential customers
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email or at 1-800-892-1654.
Thank you.
Matt Prisegem
Sales Associate