How long is too long? - X Nations
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Old 08-10-2003, 07:43 AM   #1
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Default How long is too long?

Dear All,

I just wanted to share with you how many hour I myself work in front of my computer. From the time I wake up untill I become overly tired, I am at my pc. (tho i just got back into this biz)

All up I would say I have been doing 16 hours per day over the past few days. I forse myself to turn the screen off and goto bed at nights. Before I can remember going 32 hours then sleep 6 and start again, and my weeks became one complete day/ Tho the longest for me would have been June 1998 where I clocked nearly 43 hours and stopped only to pick up the phone and call a pizza delivery or use the bathroom. I was very sick the week after, thats how i can remember that date.

How long is too long?

I am interested in knowing how long is too long in spending time infront of your computer, how many hours a day do you think is enough.
Could you give reasons. I know money is our main reason, tho do some of you find this as a release, I find this a a release of my need to make something, to create something, a place to go with our minds? We are all creative people who want a slice of the pie.

Lastly, can one become so tied up with this desire to make something that we let our loved one slip on by? So please remember to ask yourself "How long is too long!"

Kind Regards

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