i've got a guy that's not paying me right now for a bunch of work. i've been waiting for payment for over a month so far. he's told me since i finished the project he's sent me 1 regular mail check, 1 certified, 1 wire transfer, and one priority mail. i don't think he's on this board, but who knows. it's really pissing me off, because as it's not necessarily a ton of money, it's enough to pay most of the essentials for me for a month. i live fairly cheaply

. i'm no sure exactly what to do at this point. he claims he has a lot of work he needs me to do right now, and i've done work in the past - and gotten paid. i really hate doing some lame 'scammer' posts on the message boards, but i'm not sure what else to do. the guy runs a program with a few sites, isn't huge, but i know he was at florida's internext.
this sucks. he seemed like a good guy, and it seems like he's got money. any advice would be appreciated. or, if someone wants to make a deal to collect for me, i'm all ears
probably just have one last chat with him on icq, and if not that, i guess spread the word. ugh.