Why are TGPs better than picposts? - X Nations
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Old 03-18-2004, 07:30 AM   #1
SMG should edit this
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Default Why are TGPs better than picposts?

why is it that theres thousands of tgps now, and almost no picposts? I'm wondering cus I'm working on a picpost right now, since I saw that one of my top referers for one of my tgps comes from 1 small picpost I did a picpost on.
So what do you think? why are there so few picposts and so many tgps?

Here's how I view it:

For tgp/picpost owners
1) tgps have more time involved because of all the extra checking for various cheating methods. With picposts, you just have to do the initial approval of a couple pics, and once they're saved, if done right you dont have to worry about constant upkeep involving cheaters, dead links, etc.
2) tgps are less productive, because all you have is a list, and all the ads on the galleries are off your domain, unless you use hosted galleries, and if you use hosted galleries you're limited to what you can advertise and dont get recips or anything. On a picpost, you can put ads not only on the list pages, but on the gallery pages (if you have them) and on the pic pages as well.
3) tgp traffic in general is crap, since its all based off CJ, and return/bookmark/SE traffic is minimal, because theres so little content on the actual tgp, most content is on other sites, and surfers can get this on any of a thousand diff tgps. since picposts have the pics right onsite, this is more pages for SEs to look at and more content onsite for your surfers to come back to.

For submitters

1. As I already said, tgp traffic usually sucks ... its not very productive and tends to not convert well. picpost traffic is nonblind clicked traffic. Even if you're limited to a banner ad on your pic pages, it should convert better than crappy tgp traffic going to your gallery (which is usually limited by tgp submission rules to one or 2 ads anyway).
2. No upkeep on picposts... if the picpost is done right and hosts the images, once you submit you dont have to worry about hosting galleries, you submit and its there forever. On a TGP you do
3. most picposts have hard links to your site, and have quality traffic to send depending on gallery quality. TGPs just link to the galleries, which are probably already on your site, and they dont really do much for things like PR, search engine flow, etc

Theres probably even more reasons than this, these are the primary things I'm concerned about that make me wanna do this ...
So what do you think? Why are tgps so much more popular?
TGP Webmasters check out my new toplist @ http://www.top100tgp.com/

Also looking for trades/hardlinks with sex-dimension.com,endlessthumbs.com, and lesbian-photos.net
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