i am looking for moderators - X Nations
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Old 10-12-2004, 02:54 AM   #1
biznatch should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: vancouver island
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Default i am looking for moderators

yes i am looking for moderators but first would like to offer the option to the current moderators of this board, reasons being..

*They seem fun and active in the board
*ive been reading these boards for a while, im mostly a quiet person and participate minimally (just the way i am) but am looking for active mods that spark up conversations and keep them going with there humour and wit
*im a member of many many boards and find the mods of xnations to be more fun based and not so serious and judgemental.

My board is not a webmaster board but is very sexually orientated and is a great place for sponsors to advertise there sites to many potential surfers.

out of professional courtesy and respect i will not mention the url of my board on this board, seems strange to me to promote one board on another board that is not mine, though i do feel my board will go great side by side with this board without xnations owners having any fear of competition, im not about that. I will release url of board only if xnations mods feel it is fine

I am currently looking for 5 mods but must have these atributes..
1. be friendly
2. be active
3. perhaps even try to recruit new members any which way they can (optional but I would like it)
4. optional as well - have a link from one of there sites to mine to recruit more users
5. just have fun with it, it isnt a serious based board with drama

We are set to launch the board this coming monday, but i would like to line up some good mods by then so i dont launch with just me holding the bag

Xnations mods if you are interested just reply to this thread with a "yes" or "no" reply and i will fill you in on the rest of the details, to everyone else if you see that they have passed and would like the oppoprtunity to be a mod as well private message me or send an email to performance-seo@telus.net, or you can reply here as well

Thank you all
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