Adopt a Child for Christmas - X Nations
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Old 12-08-2002, 05:05 PM   #1
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Default Adopt a Child for Christmas

I want to announce the official kick off of the annual "Adopt a Child for Christmas Program!"

A little late in getting started this time around, so time is running OUT

We've done this for the last 5 years with absolutely heartwarming results and I know you guys will all come through again for the children this year!

Last year, we had over 290 children who were adopted for Christmas, This year we have only 75 Children so far. These children come from a variety of situations and none of them good.

This is the time of year to reflect back over our good fortune and share with those who need us the most, the Children, For in this world, they have no choice.....

I believe that what you give in this world comes back to you threefold, quite simply put, you get out of this life what you give...So lets all take a look inside of ourselves and see if we can't find our way to help those who still believe that this world is a good place, those who still have hope... And on Christmas morning, you can feel good knowing that somewhere in this world a child is smiling and will carry that hope because you cared...

Someday, it is the children that will run this world... It will be them who take care of us, I hope that we have taught them well... I hope than we have taught them to lend a hand to those in need, I hope that we have taught them compassion and caring for their fellow man. I hope that we have not taught them to turn a deaf ear, to be filled with resentment, fear and hate... I hope that it can never be said of any of us that we denied a child...

The children on this list are truly those in need... Granted, we could not find all of them but we can reach some. Can you imagine what a wonderful place this world would be if each person helped only one other person?

What better time to reach out to a person than at Christmas, the Season of Giving...
The program is really very simple, you choose a child, and for that child you play Santa....
None of the children on this lists will have a Christmas at all if we do not all work together and help them. There is nothing sadder than trying to explain to a child why Santa forgot to come to their house this year...So please take just a few moments and visit our site located at: and please choose a child to help this year... I guarantee you, you'll be more than glad you did =)

Bless the beasts and the children
For in this world they have no voice
They have no Choice......

Everyone, have a Really Great Day!

My Biggest Hugs to All
Big Hugs to ALL!

Make MORE with your sites with Rabbit's Reviews!!

AND don't forget!!!!

Help a Child

Last edited by PattyeCake; 12-08-2002 at 05:18 PM.
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